

Taken from MkDocs Page:

MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. Start by reading the introductory tutorial, then check the User Guide for more information.


MkDocs includes two built-in themes (mkdocs and readthedocs). However, many third party themes are available to choose from as well.

Size comparison

I once (as of 2022-12-14) generated this site using different themes to get a sense of the size of the generated site. All size indications in kilobytes (rounded up).

Theme Version HTML CSS JS/JSON/MAP Webfonts Miscellaneous Total
risonia 0.1 712 213 439 76 807 2247
mkdocs 1.4.2 593 203 597 1030 803 3226
material 8.5.10 1045 151 2183 76 801 4256
material 8.4.4-insiders 1110 534 2946 703 801 6094

HTML, CSS, JS should be somewhat comparable, whereat Risonia doesn't use "minify". To be fair the material theme uses Pygments instead of highlight.js for code highlighting, which increases the size of HTML.

The web font size is not really comperable, because mkdocs f.ex. supplies all flavors of the web fonts for best downward compatibility. Risonia doesn't use web fonts by default.

The "insiders" version of material was configured with the privacy plugin, so all dependencies were downloaded.